The Johnson & Whiteside Family History

Discovering our heritage and relatives from around the world

Johnson & Whiteside Ancestors

These are pictures of some of our Liverpool ancestors.

L to R - Margaret Kempster (Johnson) 27 Jun 1804 - 27 Feb 1865, Mary Jane McBride (Whiteside) 24 Jan 1839 - 28 Apr 1895, John Eastham Whiteside 1836 - 25 Jun 1923 & Joseph Johnson 1805 - 28 Jun 1873

Click on 'Media' and then 'Photos' to see more pictures of family members.


Welcome to the Johnson & Whiteside family history site.

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This WEBsite contains information on almost 700 family members supported by a wealth of photographs, documents and other materials.

It is a compilation of information from many different sources including contributions from many family members. Please think about helping expand the site by providing your updated information to the WEBMaster.

The Johnson & Whiteside family descendants traveled widely, some with sea-going careers and others voyaging to settle in other parts of the world. Today, their descendants are to be found scattered across the face of the globe.

Click on 'Media' and then 'Places' to see the many locations that form a part of our family history.

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At the seashore - early 1920's

The Johnson and Whiteside families enjoying a day at the seashore in the early 1920's.

It is believed this photograph was taken at Llandudno in North Wales.

Left to Right, unknown Whiteside, Veronica Ellen Johnson (B-1893), Joseph Johnson (B-1888), Mildred Johnson-Pollock (B-1900), John Whiteside (B-1836), unknown Whiteside & unknown Whiteside.